Sometimes, a picture is really worth a thousand words. ...and awake or asleep, "Don't try to take it away from her" was the word to the wise, so it has been told. Mrs. Evelyn Tyner
Lucie K. Lewis’ book, “I AM” – Renewal From Within The Garden, shows, through her personal journey, that a fulfilled desire for God’s peace and personal closeness is attainable. She communicates that you only need to hunger and thirst for it enough to begin searching His Word—the Bible.
Annie B. Wilder, Ph.D. Author, Clinical Christian Counselor, UnCommon Counseling LLC (Unmasking the Inner You)
I have known Dr. Lewis for many years and have seen how her faith and strength have provided the hope and resilience that she speaks of at work. She faced two critical life traumas simultaneously: postpartum depression and the loss of a loved one/spiritual counselor. In searching for a touchstone, she called upon the deep faith of another and used it to frame her own journey and future path. Embracing the truth of the “I Am,” she has grown in her spiritual quest to claim that faith for herself—no longer relying on the faith of her “Marion.”
Helen Postell Spence, MED, Counselor, Retired Teacher, Consultant and Business Owner
Dr. Lucie K. Lewis has created a work of love based on life, which, for the most of us, is the polar opposite of the way we do things. As we read, enjoyed, remembered, and sometimes laughed out loud, we understood the deep well of pain and sacrifice she swam through to get to the light. A wonderful, hopeful, real life look at where the love of Christ has taken her. Congratulations Dr. Lewis!
Reverend Alfred L. and Mrs. Tina Johnson
In her work, “I AM” – Renewal From Within The Garden, Dr. Lewis offers a unique perspective on the questions everyone asks, but rarely gets answers to. Through her extraordinary exploration, you will find a thought-proving look at some of your longheld questions and a guide to creating the path to renewing your faith and spirit.
Claudia Gere, Author Consultant, Claudia Gere & Co, LLC,
Lucie’s commitment to her healing process is to be admired. It is clear that the challenging journey she undertook was driven by her courage, commitment and faith.
Audra Bohannon, Principal, Global Novations
Lucie’s very personal journey of seeking strength and understanding through scripture resonated with me and kept me reading late into the night. Her welding of inquiry and struggle, paired with the strength and wisdom of God’s Word, forge a graceful and powerful bond.
Maureen Moriarty
“I AM” – Renewal From Within The Garden engages the reader from the beginning writings of Lucie K. Lewis’ introduction. Her testimony of her journey through “The Garden” serves as a guide for women (men, as well) to gain understanding and enlightenment to the “Fog of Depression” which we encounter in our lives that weigh us down in the spiritual, emotional and despair of depression. Most of us forge through our lives feeling alone, tired and accepting the state of hopelessness. Ms. Lewis tells of her life renewal with a BOLD spirit that offers a guide to how each of us may grow in our own BOLDNESS. Her personal experience and years of impeccable research clearly validates that each of us must participate in our own life journey toward obtaining the glory in our life through understanding who we are as Spiritual Beings! Your conception was the beginning of your journey. Reading “I AM” – Renewal From Within The Garden can offer confirmation and ongoing discoveries for the new comer and the veteran alike, who confesses that Jesus is their Lord and Savior. I know that reflecting on my own “I Am” journey resulted in a feeling of joy and understanding that I commit myself to being a lifelong learner throughout life in my relationship with my Heavenly Father, Savior and the Holy Spirit! Thank you, Lucie K. Lewis
Sabrina Lewis, MSW, LICSW, Academic and Behavioral Clinic, Springfield, MA
“I AM” reveals the source of our strength, the essence of our power and the keys to our renewal in a world where faith truly unites our mind, body and soul. Dr. Lewis creates a Bible-based ‘magic kingdom’ that makes the impossible possible and the seemingly incomprehensible real. She reacquaints you with your own spiritual garden through which you will come to understand the power of the wisdom that her trusted confidant, Marion, freely shared. This book of Biblical wonder is filled with insights to help you grow your own inner spirit while managing life in an external world. In a special way, the book is a great guide to helping each person create their own garden of universal love, faith and knowledge. We celebrate the fine work of Dr. Lewis and embrace her journey to inspire others to spiritually grow in ways that are relevant to their life purpose.
Janine and Tom Fondon, Founders,